Sunday, July 28, 2013

Buckets of Fun!

I decided to change it up a little bit and give Wyokiddo some water time without setting up the sprinkler.  I set her up with her stacking buckets and a few toys borrowed from the sandbox and bath bag and found a nice sunny spot in the driveway.  She had buckets of fun, literally!  She spent almost an hour dunking toys, dumping water and generally making a big, wet mess.  She eventually figured out I was refilling buckets from the faucet on the side of the house.  When a bucket was empty, she'd toddle to the side of the house, stick her bucket under the faucet and beg for more water.  Even the dogs got in on some of the water fun, draining a bucket or two when Wyokiddo dropped her guard!

Setup and clean up was simple...gather up the buckets and let everything air dry!  If you don't have buckets, storage containers of any size would work.

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