Monday, January 26, 2015

Be a #VoiceforAg

When I was in college, ag major friends and I would often discuss the division found in the ranks of the agriculture industry.  It seemed like instead of coming together as an industry, there was always infighting.  Different factions struggled to present a united front on issues like the Farm Bill, Endangered Species Act, brucellosis testing or wolf management.

What would it be like, we wondered, if we could get all the crop organizations, all the livestock organizations, all the natural resource organizations to work together?  How powerful could the industry be if each of us looked out for the benefit if our whole industry instead of our own special interest?  How much stronger could we all be, politically?

But our discussions never moved beyond that, talk.  It took a group of nine different college students to finally stop talking and start doing. 

This year, the 2014-2015 Wyoming State FFA Officers have created an opportunity for everyone in agriculture to come together and be a Voice for Agriculture with the first annual Wyoming Agriculture Advocacy Week.

To be held Jan. 26 through Feb. 1, 2015, Wyoming Agriculture Advocacy Week will focus on encouraging FFA members and others to be a voice for agriculture and engage their local communities in discussion about where their food comes from and how agriculture contributes to Wyoming’s economy and culture.  The effort is being led by the state officers, but their hope is that others will join in their fight to educate about our most basic industry.

No more farmers vs. rancher, Angus vs. Herefords, corn vs. cotton, or chicken vs. pork.  Just one industry, coming together, to educate about all the things it is doing right.  One voice proclaiming why we still believe in the future of agriculture.

I commend the state FFA officers for hatching the idea and their fellow FFA members for getting on board to help make that dream a reality.  And I encourage our industry to follow the lead of these visionary young agriculturalists and get involved in the first annual Wyoming Agriculture Advocacy Week.  Share your ag story on social media with the #VoiceForAg  hashtag.  Speak out for agriculture in our state.  Get involved with an activity the local FFA chapter has planned.  Let’s show these future leaders we believe in them and support their cause. 

Henry Ford said “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

Be a #VoiceforAg this week and make a pledge to come together, keep together and work together for the success of this industry we all need.  

Thursday, January 22, 2015

A memory for the baby book...

I was in the kitchen making dinner while Outdoor Guy played with Emily in her room.  Pretty soon, I hear her door open and she goes racing down the hall.  Outdoor Guy saunters into the kitchen, laughing.  When I asked him what he was laughing at, he said the two of them had been enjoying a rather fancy and formal tea party.  They were being quite dainty when all of a sudden, Emily jumped up, declared "I have to POOP!" and ran to the bathroom.